
Judy Matthews

Judy Matthews

Managing Director
0208 244 0500

Judy originally studied Law & Administration before choosing a career in project management. Her experience includes  preparing London’s transport infrastructure for the 2012 Olympics and project management in building construction.

She joined Reeds Solicitors as its Practice Manager, then moved to RockMS where she continues that role. For over 11 years Judy has managed of the numerous aspects of running a law firm, including: Compliance, Lexcel, IT, management and administration, mergers and acquisitions, assistance to COLP and COFA, as well as overseeing the implementation of a strong well-being culture within the HR function at Reeds.

This innovative implementation throughout the 2020 pandemic was mentioned in several press articles regionally. Judy believes that the crucial part in success is people, and the culture in which they work.
